
Offset The Evil


Offset The Evil

Monolith Productions / SEGA

For the launch of Condemned 2 in Australia, we reached out to the softer side of jaded hardcore gamers.


The Offset The Evil website was a whimsical cartoon wonderland that included several cute, singing creatures, three mini-games and other shareable goodies.


One can indulge in a theatrical performance from a bunch of clowns who sing a sly nursery rhyme that seeks to divert you from playing the game. Try your hand at a game that lets you water flowers from a cloud within a certain time frame or take an Evil Evaluator test.

If you're still feeling the effects of playing Condemned 2, traipse through the Forest of Fairy Flowers and discover cute, random videos and links.


My roles

Website concept & art direction, design & animation.

The team

Chris Berents, Michael Dawson & Kevin Phillips.